Any outdoor adventurer will tell you that camping is one of the best ways to get in touch with nature, step away from the busy lifestyle and simply disconnect. Even though camping is certainly a great outdoor experience for people of all ages, it does require careful preparations.
Since camping is a very personal experience, the gear you choose to bring along will entirely depend on your personal preferences. That said, though, there are some camping essentials you certainly never want to forget to bring along. Let’s check them out.
Nothing can ruin your camping trip as quickly as realizing that you’ve forgotten to bring the most important piece of gear – the tent. Camping tents can seriously vary in size and complexity, so make sure you do some research prior to buying one. Also, there really is no need that every single person in your party gets their own tent. Even the smallest of tents can accommodate at least two people. Therefore, make sure you all choose your tent partners, so that you know how many tents you’ll need for your trip. Additionally, do know that the inside of a tent can get pretty cool at night, so you may also look into getting yourself reliable tent heather as well.
Sleeping Bag
Even though many tents come with some type of a ground cover, the fact is that they don’t offer much comfort. That’s why you will also need to get yourself a sleeping bag or a camping blanket. These will not only keep you warm during the night but they will also offer enough comfort to enable you to get nice and cozy.
Survival Kit
Survival kits are usually there “just in case”. Many campers will never actually be in a situation that they need to reach for this tool. However, in case of a worst-case-scenario, you’d really want to have this thing close by. You can either choose to go with a store-bought option or make your own. Either way, make sure that your kit contains all the essentials and stick to basic camping rules to ensure you never need to reach for it.
First aid Kit
Similarly, no matter how long your trip is going to be, you should never embark on a journey without a first aid kit. This kit should contain some basic medication and medic equipment in case something happens to go wrong. Again, you can choose to go with a store-bought version or make your own. Additionally, you can pack as many items as the space allows. That said, here’s a list of essentials every first aid kit should contain:
- Sterile gauze
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Medical tape
- A few different bandages
- Benadryl
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Paracetamol
- Medicinal alcohol
- Antidiarrheal medication
- Moleskin
- Antiseptic wipes
If you’re a girl, feel free to add all of your period products to the list as well, to ensure you have all you need in case your friend decides to show up unannounced.
Every camper should have a flashlight on themselves at any point. No matter if you’ve packed enough portable lights to illuminate the entire camping region, a personal flashlight is a must-have. When choosing a flashlight, go with something small and lightweight. Since you’ll be carrying it around no matter where you go, you don’t want it to be too heavy or impractical. You can also go for a waterproof alternative just to be safe.
Aside from the flashlight, every camper should also have a trusty multitool in their possession. This practical camping gear essential will allow you to carry a range of various tools that are conveniently stored in a single practical package. The best part is that modern manufacturers have discovered a way to make camping multitools super light-weight yet very durable. These tools also come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so choose the one that makes the most sense to you and your personal camping style.
Camp Stove
Even though cooking on an open flame certainly sounds like a camping staple, you’ll soon realize that it’s more hassle than it’s worth. For starters, campfires are prohibited by law in many camping locations as they can easily get out of control. Additionally, when you’re cooking on an open fire, there’s really no way to control the heat intensity or distribution. That’s why you may want to consider investing in a camp stove. This is particularly recommendable if your camping party is somewhat larger. If that’s the case, the math goes as follows: one camping stove per two campers. Finally, don’t forget to bring fuel along as well, as otherwise, you won’t have much use of your stove.
Mess Kit
Aside from bringing the thing you will use to prepare the food on, you also want to bring something that will enable you to cook and eat the food you have prepared. That’s where a mess kit comes into play. These kits usually consist of minimal flatware, some pots and pans, a couple of cups and a couple of plates. Of course, you can assemble a mess kit yourself so that it covers all of your needs. Just make sure not to bring fine china and your silverware camping. Instead, go for metal plates, cups and bowls so that you don’t have to worry about breaking any of them. When assembling the kit, keep in mind the type of food you’ll be preparing, so that you don’t bring any extras you may not even end up using or forget to bring something you absolutely need.
Food and Beverages
Moreover, you also need to pack enough food and beverages to last you through the entire camping trip. If your campsite doesn’t have any form of bathrooms installed, you will also want to bring enough water for personal hygiene needs. When buying food and the necessary supplies, make sure you come up with a menu for the trip. This way, you’ll know exactly what you need to buy instead of going in blind. Aside from food, get some refreshing drinks as well. You should also get your hands on a portable fridge and fridge batteries to keep everything cool, especially if you’re bringing some perishables.
Finally, even though in the modern world it may seem like nobody is using a physical map anymore, make sure you bring one just in case. The fact that you can nowadays access the map of the area via your smartphone is not a reason enough to go camping without this essential piece of equipment. Unlike your phone, a paper map can’t die – which is crucial in case you happen to go around exploring the area.
So, the next time you go camping, make sure you keep all of these essentials in mind if you want to ensure all of you stay comfortable, well-equipped and – most importantly – safe during camping.
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